Focused on the development of methodology and digital analysis of offshore structures. Analytical investigation of the water structure interaction.
Hydrodynamic damping prediction for different water structure interaction formulations.
Offshore structures cumulated fatigue damage assessment through frequency domain structural response analysis.
Incorporated offshore structural digital analysis methodology for conceptual analysis of structures offshore Venezuela (SACS, Asas Launch)
Development of design guidelines for offshore structures in Venezuela incorporating specific seismicity requirements. (with DNV)
Development of experimental structural dynamic modal analysis diagnosing methodology to assess integrity of structural systems.
Incorporated dynamic response analysis of floating vessels methodology to assess optimal SPM option for medium size FPSO offshore Venezuela. (with Technip Geoproduction and Atkins AQWA)
Development of experimental structural analysis techniques for structural condition assessment involving static multi-channel measurement (strain, load, displacement)
Development of fatigue monitoring system of offshore steel structures. Involved modelling of tubular nodes stress concentration factors including experimental validation. Incorporated subsea measuring through vibrating wire strain gauge.
Co-development of oil-in-water in-line measurement transducer.
Co-development of industrial RTU units for field remote well rod pump monitoring.
Co-developed load-displacement pump-off detection algorithm for remote well rod pump.