Enrique Laya
Houston. TX


Research papers on offshore structures dynamic analysis, structural dynamics and digital simulation of oil & gas operations.

Operational Dynamic Simulation for Dimensioning Hydrocarbon Transport Systems under Uncertainty. PMI. 3er. Congreso Ibero Americano de Gerencia de Proyectos. 2002. Caracas - Venezuela. Laya, E. Velarde, C. and Cavero, A.

Soto, C and Laya, E. "Modal Instrumentation, Testing and Analysis of a 110 m-long Jetty: case History". International Modal Analysis Conference. Orlando. FL. 1988.

Sully, Sgambati, Templeton, Perez and Laya. "Geotechnical characterization of Rio Caribe Soils". Offshore Technology Conference. OTC- 0007662.

Systeme de surveillance pour la detection du dommage de fatigue cumulee dans les structures offshore en acier. Laya, E. Docteur Ingenieur Thesis. Ecole Centrale de Paris. 1987. ECP.

POSEIDON-II: a computer program for evaluating the short and long term frequency domain response of offshore steel jacket platforms.Kawamoto, J.; S. Shyam Sunder, Laya, E. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil Engineering, 1980.

Effect of structural motion on the hydrodynamic forcing of offshore steel structures. Laya, Enrique. MIT 1980. THESIS Mech. Eng. Civil Eng. 1980 M.S.

Laya, E, Connor, J.J. and Shyam Sunder, S. "Hydrodynamic Forces on Flexible Offshore Structures". Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 110, No. 3, March, 1984, Paper No. 18624.

Technical reports

Author and co author of (approx.) 55 technical / business reports at ExcelTec (1990 - 2007) covering the subjects of Oil & Gas Offshore & Onshore field development planning, simulation of hydrocarbons transport and logistics, cost estimation of oil & gas fields, economic appraisal and asset analysis of oil & gas field development.

Author and co author of approximately 35 internal technical reports at INTEVEP / PDVSA. (1978 - 87). Covering the subjects of structural analysis, offshore structures, offshore oil & gas support floating systems and experimental engineering studies.