Enrique Laya
Consulting, Engineering and Management (Caracas, Venezuela)
Co-founder. Director.
Nov. 1988 - Aug. 2007
Offer consulting services in engineering and project management; along with managing development
planning studies, cost estimation and economies of exploration prospects of oil & gas.
- Developed methods of simulation together with logistics studies of oil products.
- Directed the technical management of the first large-scale study to increase national content for offshore
gas projects in eastern Venezuela to generate the first National offshore added-value public policies
- Developed the digital simulation methodology of logistics for estimation of transport capacity of crude oil
and products for a deep-water terminal (Gulf of Paria) (BP, Amoco & PDVSA) and the alternative fuel supply
system to Caracas (SAM project) for structuring optimal capacities of both projects (1998-1999).
- Developed the technical and economic bases for the first Foreign Investment Open Bid process of oil and gas
blocks in eastern Venezuela. The nation received a record number of 2.4 BUSD for exploratory licenses for 8
blocks (1995 – 1997)
- Developed and integrated offshore upstream cost estimates and development plans for the first large-scale offshore gas project in Venezuela. (12-13 TCF).(Christopher Columbus LNG project) Lagoven-PDVSA,Exxon, Shell & Mitsubishi (1994 – 1995).
- Directed the specialized technical Group (PMT) for the offshore gas recycling and condensate Rio Caribe
project (PDVSA – Lagoven) (with Hudson – McDermott) to generate an optimized concept in a second round (1990
- 1993).
- Developed successful commercial activity of technical computing (CAD), Instrumentation and Control (SCADA) through HP VARs (Hewlett Packard Value Addedd Resellers)
and industrial measurement.
- Closed sale and installation of 10 workstations HP UX CAD network for PDVSA Maracaibo through HP VARs (Hewlett Packard Value Addedd Resellers) (1990 – 1992).